Next Generation Network Planning

SDN, Fiber, IP, Microwave & Performance Analysis

The future network is open and automated

We offer mobile network operators, telecommunications network operators, service providers and fiber optic providers alike a modular, flexibly adaptable solution portfolio for the area of "Network Resource Management & Operations Support".

Our solution portfolio is based on state-of-the-art multi-tier architecture, TMF-based Interfaces and with an integrated GIS framework for layer-based visualization in order to cope with the network complexity described above. 

Our LinkVis Solutions

Given the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth, transport network transmission capacity and multi-service functionalities, telecommunication networks are becoming more complex, and thus more difficult to plan and manage.

But how do you reconcile all this? - The answer to this challenge is a high degree of automation, both in the networks themselves and in the way they are managed: "THE FUTURE NETWORK IS OPEN AND AUTOMATED"

This requires flexible, non-proprietary solutions.

Software Defined Networks (SDN) managed by LinkVis

Mentopolis has been working on the development of software for Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Functionality Virtualization (NFV) since 2014. We develop SDN-based applications and integrate them with existing OSS systems and planning tools.

With the SDN interface (TMF-compliant) (Software Defined Network), parameters from the live network can be read out, evaluated and monitored. Furthermore, configuration changes can be made to the live network via our SDN application.

Definition of vendor-independent SDN use cases for the transport network (microwave, router, xWDM)tnetz (Microwave, Router, xWDM)


- Automated Microwave Link Acceptance

- Automated Microwave Frequency Approval

- Live Net View Capacity Utilization Router Netwo

Load and performance tests on controller, interface and device level

Development of "holistic" and/or "agnostic" models for the harmonization of interface definitions

"SDN Controller goes Cloud" - support for mapping and moving controller functions to the cloud (AWS, Azure, Google, etc.)

Implementation of vendor-independent SDN usages in the form of applications for securing network service quality (assurance, configuration), network design and orchestration of the transport network via open, standardized SDN controllers (e.g. ONF)

Interface validation test

Supporting network operators in bringing about standardization

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